Advanced Quoting Tool

In the fast-paced world of sales, generating accurate quotes quickly and efficiently is extremely important. The ability for the sales team to craft compelling quotes that capture the essence of your product or service can make all the difference between sealing the deal and losing out to the competition.

Introducing our advanced quoting tool, the ultimate quote generation tool for Dynamics 365.

Built directly within the Dynamics 365 interface, the quoting tool uses the existing out-of-the-box Product Catalog to allow users to quickly draft and send quotes.

Features include:

  • The tool is separated into 2 modules: a quote line grid and a product catalog
  • Quote lines can be organized into one or more sections
  • Quote lines can be reordered and moved between sections by simply dragging and dropping
  • Sections can also be reordered by dragging between each other, as well as expanded and collapsed for an improved editing experience
  • Sections can be duplicated with one single click
  • Product Description, Quantity, Cost and Price can be edited within the grid
  • Quote lines can be added by simply dragging & dropping the products from the product catalog or by simply typing the product number
  • The Catalog is divided into 3 different tabs:
    • Internal (uses Dynamics product catalog)
    • External (Track products from external vendors)
    • Favourites (Allows user to tag frequently used products)
  • The product catalog can be searched by product code, product name, category
  • Products can be organized into product categories (folders)
  • Product categories are displayed in a tree view and used as an additional product filter
  • A custom toolbar allows the user to perform quick actions (save, delete, edit lines)
  • Autosave functionality with customizable frequency

Supports: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online and on Premise (9.0+), all modern browsers: Chrome 80+, Edge 80+, Safari 14.1+, Firefox 80+, Opera 67+.

Sample screenshot showing the quote lines (left) and the product catalog (right) - click to enlarge.

Quoting Tool

Sample screenshot showing just the quote lines - click to enlarge.

Quoting Tool without Catalog

Want to try for yourself?

Request access to our online demo.